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Enter to win FREE travel in Ohio

2024 Ohio Travel Guide CoverFill out our 3 minute survey on your experience with the 2024 Ohio Travel Guide Request free travel information from our advertising partners

Planning a trip can be a very exciting process! In an effort to make sure that you have all you need for your next trip to Ohio, Great Lakes Publishing, the publisher of the Ohio Travel Guide, is conducting a short survey about its content and usability. Our goal is to inspire you to experience all that Ohio has to offer. The survey will only take 3 minutes to complete and will automatically enter you in the Ohio Travel Guide Reader Survey Sweepstakes,* where 3 lucky respondents will win $100 Travel Certificates.** We look forward to hearing from you and hope you have an amazing trip!

*No participation necessary to be entered to win. Official Rules and Regulations

** The sweepstakes, offered by Great Lakes Publishing, begins March 15, 2024 and ends at 11:59 pm on December 31, 2024. Winners will be drawn randomly throughout the year.